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  • 49123
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Originally posted by Marvin49:

As for the Jumbotron, there are actually two of on either side of the stadium. I also think they are bigger than you think. ;-)

Cool, thanks.

I'll just be happy with the fact that they're actually doing something finally.
It's aight. Kinda Generic but ahh F it I'll always go to the games regardless.
it looks very cheap to me. I don't like it.
  • mayo49
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So are they supposed to break ground in 2013 or 2014? As far as the stadium, it's a palace compared to Candlestick. It'll look fine once all the bells and whistles are installed.
Originally posted by Envy:
What happens when it rains?

you play in the rain like a FOOTBALL team is supposed to.

i swear....go tell mike singletary "but what if it rains!" and see what he says about it.
Originally posted by mayo63:
So are they supposed to break ground in 2013 or 2014? As far as the stadium, it's a palace compared to Candlestick. It'll look fine once all the bells and whistles are installed.

I think its actually slated to open for the start of the 2014 season.
why argue about something that is never going to be built
i wish they would just renovate the stick! So much history there.
Originally posted by susweel:
Thats an ugly ass stadium. All the money in the bay area and they cant come up with is that ugly ass thing. Look at recent stadiums built and we get that.

why does everyone like these ugly space pod looking domes? first off, there no reason to have a retractable roof. bay area weather is beautiful.

the cowboys have an open roof dome to look like their last stadium, and the cards did it because it gets 1000 degrees down there, and they like to get some AC going.

that stadium design looks about 10 year old, but when its built, itll be with up to date technology, and will be ALOT better than the stick. if someone offers to buy you a 500 dollar watch, you dont say "eh, that one sucks. i want the 1000 dollar watch".

were not even sure SC voters will pass it through. if they do, i think itll be safe to assume they might alter the design from the proposal to be more up to date. thats the same design theyve had made for years.
  • mayo49
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Originally posted by PTulini:
Originally posted by mayo63:
So are they supposed to break ground in 2013 or 2014? As far as the stadium, it's a palace compared to Candlestick. It'll look fine once all the bells and whistles are installed.

I think its actually slated to open for the start of the 2014 season.

I guess we'll find out when the term sheet comes out.
BTW...I'm bored at

....but for anyone who doesn't understand the way this thing lays out, here is an actual satallite map with everythings location. ;-)

Anyone worried about there being a garage and that it would prevent tailgating, you can see that the garage is a very small part of the actual parking lot(s).

[ Edited by Marvin49 on May 29, 2009 at 12:54:34 ]
  • JD81
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I people can never be pleased.

I'm happy with whatever they come up with, THAT KEEPS THE TEAM IN THE BAY AREA.

Hell, we could lose this team to Los Angeles, and then you people would realize, "Man, if only they built that simple-ass stadium and kept the team."

At least they are doing something.
Originally posted by JD81:
I people can never be pleased.

I'm happy with whatever they come up with, THAT KEEPS THE TEAM IN THE BAY AREA.

Hell, we could lose this team to Los Angeles, and then you people would realize, "Man, if only they built that simple-ass stadium and kept the team."

At least they are doing something.

Thank You. The most beautiful structure I can imagine is ANY structure that keeps the team bound to the Bay Area for the next 30 or 40 years.

[ Edited by Marvin49 on May 29, 2009 at 13:03:50 ]
  • mayo49
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Originally posted by Marvin49:
BTW...I'm bored at

....but for anyone who doesn't understand the way this thing lays out, here is an actual satallite map with everythings location. ;-)

Anyone worried about there being a garage and that it would prevent tailgating, you can see that the garage is a very small part of the actual parking lot(s).

Marvin, so they moved it next to the 49ers complex? I thought it was originally suppose to be in the Great America overflow parking lot. If so, I like it.
Originally posted by mayo63:
Originally posted by Marvin49:
BTW...I'm bored at

....but for anyone who doesn't understand the way this thing lays out, here is an actual satallite map with everythings location. ;-)

Anyone worried about there being a garage and that it would prevent tailgating, you can see that the garage is a very small part of the actual parking lot(s).

Marvin, so they moved it next to the 49ers complex? I thought it was originally suppose to be in the Great America overflow parking lot. If so, I like it.

Ya...I mentioned that in my first post. ;-)

It surprised me too. This is probably to somewhat appease Great America....even tho the 49ers might PURCHASE Great America.

That in itself would be cool...and NFL themed Amusement Park and a big 49ers "Zone". ;-)

Hell, I might even go to Great America then. ;-)
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