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  • gore4prez
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I like it. These other ones look like UFOs
Originally posted by mayo63:
Originally posted by Marvin49:
BTW...I'm bored at

....but for anyone who doesn't understand the way this thing lays out, here is an actual satallite map with everythings location. ;-)

Anyone worried about there being a garage and that it would prevent tailgating, you can see that the garage is a very small part of the actual parking lot(s).

Marvin, so they moved it next to the 49ers complex? I thought it was originally suppose to be in the Great America overflow parking lot. If so, I like it.

thats what i had thought
so are the niners and great america going to share the parking lot????
Originally posted by SFCH3DDERZ:
Originally posted by mayo63:
Originally posted by Marvin49:
BTW...I'm bored at

....but for anyone who doesn't understand the way this thing lays out, here is an actual satallite map with everythings location. ;-)

Anyone worried about there being a garage and that it would prevent tailgating, you can see that the garage is a very small part of the actual parking lot(s).

Marvin, so they moved it next to the 49ers complex? I thought it was originally suppose to be in the Great America overflow parking lot. If so, I like it.

thats what i had thought
so are the niners and great america going to share the parking lot????

Yes, but...

1) Great America is closed for the majority of the Football Season
2) They NEVER even get CLOSE to using all of that parting. You can see how much of it is being used in the Satallite picture...I think thats about normal.
  • TX9R
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Originally posted by susweel:
Thats an ugly ass stadium. All the money in the bay area and they cant come up with is that ugly ass thing. Look at recent stadiums built and we get that.

Those all look like some space age monstrousities. I like the design it looks like a FOOTBALL stadium and not some UFO. I like how half the field is just seats and no luxury boxes that also ruin the look and feel of being at a FOOTBALL game. The best difference betwen college and the NFL is the stadium experience is so much better at a college game because you don't have all these unnecessary creature comforts, just fans, noise, and a game. What's wrong with a beer, a hot dog, the game and loud fans? All that other crap is just filler.
  • mayo49
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I hope they keep it next to 4949. It'll look like one big complex.
I don't really care, because I will never see the stadium with my own two eyes anyways, but it is pretty plain looking.

Some stadiums can excite the imagination, (And I am not just talking about the most recent futuristic retractable domes.), but this one does not have that effect on me. In fact when I see that drawing the only thing I can think of is, “meh.”
  • Niner4SevenThr33
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I kinda find it fascinating how people can judge and criticize things before they've had the chance to actually see it in front of them with their own eyes.

Like the new unis...people complained about the colors and the striping and the numbers. They haven't even played a game with it on. But from what I saw from a post in here about the Upper Deck Rookie Photo Shoot, they look pretty damn good.

I think the same can be said about the stadium design. The gall of some people to say that they could design something better. Really?!?! I'd like to see you try! You swear the Niners didn't go out and hire a professional architectural firm that ACTUALLY design sports stadiums to design the Niner's stadium? I mean, c'mon man! They did. And according to the location, weather, atmosphere, fan experience, and viewing angles, they came up with what you call a "college" stadium. Forreal? That don't look like Memorial Stadium! That don't look like Spartan Stadium. That don't look like [Stanford's] Stadium. The new Niners stadium design looks 150% unlike and better than Candlestick. So quit complaining about something you don't know and enjoy it when they build it.
While it is quite simple in it's design, it sort of emanates a "simple elegance" look for a stadium. I am sure it will be spruced up nicely, and even modified to some extent.

I like the symmetry of the stadium too, but that is probably just my virgo side coming out. Many don't seem to understand the price of land in the bay area is ridiculous compared to pheonix and Dallas. A much larger percentage of the total cost goes just to the value of the land, versus being put into the actual stadium
I know that this model looks a lot better than the old concept that was posted ago. But this design looks so bland and boring. I wish the designer would get more creative and design a similar stuff like the open stadium in Seattle or the Philadelphia eagles.
I think its fine. The only thing i don't like is that the luxury suits look like a college stadium one and it would be real nice if we had a real big screen.

A reason why ours doesn't look like the dallas, cards one is because our cost about half as much just to make the structure secure in case of a big earthquake. In the end that stadium is going to be better than the stick.
Originally posted by Niners99:
Originally posted by Envy:
What happens when it rains?

you play in the rain like a FOOTBALL team is supposed to.

i swear....go tell mike singletary "but what if it rains!" and see what he says about it.

I think the gentleman was speaking to the comfort of the fans and not the players. A bit of an upper deck shelter roof would be nice.
  • mayo49
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Why do you guys want something that looks like the Seahawks stadium? It looks like a giant airplane hanger ready to take off.
When I saw the rendered drawings of SC stadium the 1st thing that popped in my mind was that it resembled the "Horse-Shoe" in Columbus.

The only beef I have with the rendered drawings is what's up with them ugly coloured upper level seats. Damn, it seems like an infant chewed up and diarrheaed gerber baby food. I know gold is the colour scheme but could they not have used a lighter version other than the colour of an infants Doo Doo

And speaking of AutoCAD Drafting (as I have my degree in Industrial Design and am working towards being a Mech Engr) I know Engineering facilities oughta have better draftsmen/women who are paid to produce better quality drawings then what we have here. I feel as if though they got lazy with the shadowing, rendering, lighting to name a few. And AutoDesk, the maker of AutoCAD has put out better 3D software packages within the latest versions of AutoCAD. If that does not get things done then I recommend the following design softwares that I've used and are main stays in the industries. SolidWorks, Pro-E, Rhino, Navis, Arch-T.
Am not a resident of the bay area NOT even close so i should care less if they dont play in San Francisco BUT!!!!! i do care , if they change the name from San Francisco 49ers to Santa Clara 49ers it just wouldnt sound right & what if they did & the next thing u know the SF on the helmet turns into SC

Does anybody feel the same way i do about this?
Originally posted by Tru2RedNGold25:
Am not a resident of the bay area NOT even close so i should care less if they dont play in San Francisco BUT!!!!! i do care , if they change the name from San Francisco 49ers to Santa Clara 49ers it just wouldnt sound right & what if they did & the next thing u know the SF on the helmet turns into SC

Does anybody feel the same way i do about this?

That has already been addressed. They will still be called the San Francisco 49ers just like we don't have the Arlington Cowboys or the New Jersey Jets.
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