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Save the Stick!!!

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Save the Stick!!!

Candlemistake Park is just that -- a mistake. Can't renovate a mistake. What does surprise me is there was no push to put the new stadium next door to AT&T Park. There is tons of room there
  • Chico
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  • Posts: 2,546
What if we build it on "The Rock"?
Originally posted by IWasWrongRubber:
Candlemistake Park is just that -- a mistake. Can't renovate a mistake. What does surprise me is there was no push to put the new stadium next door to AT&T Park. There is tons of room there

Not enough for Football Stadium. Warriors will likely build a new Arena there.
Originally posted by modninerfan:
Bandwagon fan alert!

I was joking on the Santa Clara know it's not going to be called the SC

Still, lol..when they televise the game on NBC or whatever..what landmarks will they show during the game? Alcatraz, the GGB..the Piers..what's in SC? Lol. Maybe they can have a shot of the Google building. Haha. Or maybe the nearby Sharks stadium .
[ Edited by Montana on Jan 20, 2012 at 1:44 AM ]
I live in Dallas now but grew up in S.F. and have many great memories at the Stick. We need to hold on to our memories of the dynasty that was created at Candlestick, but it's time to let go of the stadium! This team is about to start another decade run, and a new stadium can only contribute to that run.
Originally posted by JerryRice1848:
The Golden State 49ers

I don't want them to suck.
Originally posted by dj43:
Originally posted by kronik:
Problem is our SF policticans suck. We had plenty of chances to keep the niners, I blame the damn politicians

True but they were elected by the people who live there.

The demographics of SF have been changing for years and the change has been anti-sport for the most part. They pols love the money they get from those coming to see the SF Giants play but they would not invest in the facility that brings them. The current admin has no idea how businesses run. Gavin Newsome could care less as long as he can succeed Jerry Brown as governor on his way to the White House. All the pols know is how to extract every dime of blood money they can get...and then snivel when the business leaves town.

Well, now the Forty Niners are leaving town to a place that appreciates the revenue and notoriety they will bring. I don't like changing the name but Santa Clara Forty Niners would be just fine with me - a poke in the eye of the politicians who chased them out of town.

*end rant*

except that everytime there's something on the ballot regarding the 49ers, it always passes overwhelmingly in their favor. The supervisors are whack, and I think the rep that city residents get is unfair. It's unfair that when it comes to the city, the demographics of areas like the Marina, Pacific Heights, Nob Hill and even some parts of the Mission all of a sudden encompasses the whole of San Francisco. It completely ignores the rest of the city and areas like Vis Valley, Excelsior, Outer Mission, Western Addition, Sunset and fricken Bayview..I agree that the 49ers desperately need a new stadium, I just wish they could get it here in the city. Unfortunately it's not looking too good and there's no point in trying to debate this issue all over again. I will cherish these last few seasons at the 'Stick and no matter how much of a dump it is, it will always be my dump that brought championships. Go Niners!!!
Originally posted by samoan49er:
Originally posted by dj43:
Originally posted by kronik:
Problem is our SF policticans suck. We had plenty of chances to keep the niners, I blame the damn politicians

True but they were elected by the people who live there.

The demographics of SF have been changing for years and the change has been anti-sport for the most part. They pols love the money they get from those coming to see the SF Giants play but they would not invest in the facility that brings them. The current admin has no idea how businesses run. Gavin Newsome could care less as long as he can succeed Jerry Brown as governor on his way to the White House. All the pols know is how to extract every dime of blood money they can get...and then snivel when the business leaves town.

Well, now the Forty Niners are leaving town to a place that appreciates the revenue and notoriety they will bring. I don't like changing the name but Santa Clara Forty Niners would be just fine with me - a poke in the eye of the politicians who chased them out of town.

*end rant*

except that everytime there's something on the ballot regarding the 49ers, it always passes overwhelmingly in their favor. The supervisors are whack, and I think the rep that city residents get is unfair. It's unfair that when it comes to the city, the demographics of areas like the Marina, Pacific Heights, Nob Hill and even some parts of the Mission all of a sudden encompasses the whole of San Francisco. It completely ignores the rest of the city and areas like Vis Valley, Excelsior, Outer Mission, Western Addition, Sunset and fricken Bayview..I agree that the 49ers desperately need a new stadium, I just wish they could get it here in the city. Unfortunately it's not looking too good and there's no point in trying to debate this issue all over again. I will cherish these last few seasons at the 'Stick and no matter how much of a dump it is, it will always be my dump that brought championships. Go Niners!!!

"Overwhelmingly in their favor"!?!

They have had ONE stadium measure over a decade ago and it BARELY passed by the slimmest margin and then was challenged several times.
The name of the new stadium... "The House that Smith Built." That way you can account for Alex, Aldon, Justin and even Reggie (lol).
that place is a dump. not sure why youd want to keep it.

Originally posted by NYGFAN:
that place is a dump. not sure why youd want to keep it.

Speaking of dumps, it's the same reason why your parents decided to keep you-for some reason, we love it.
Originally posted by kronik:
Problem is our SF policticans suck. We had plenty of chances to keep the niners, I blame the damn politicians


Haven't we all heard this story before? (or forced to watch the flick with your chick) She was a little overweight but cooked like a champ. Mom LOVES her and she's great with kids. Has a nice paying job and even likes sports! Not bad in bed either. BUT she snorts when she laughs and likes to wear her jersey's just like guys. She loves beer and can get just as trashed as anyone.. now she starts buggin about getting married and won't shutup. So what does the genius do? He dumps her cuz he figures he can do better. After a year or two of dating air heads and b****s and numerous one night stands, mixed in with a couple of dry spells, He's at a loss.
Then he sees his ex. Lost weight, got a promotion and looking HOT. But now she's engaged with the man of HER dreams. He had her. But now he's a day late and a dollar short. Poor dummy. She goes out with him one last time for coffee explaining to him how HE was her love but also thanks him, cuz if it wasn't for his stupidity, she woulda never met the love of her life. The movie ends with him at her wedding wishing it was him.

Frisco politicians are idiots and i cant stand them.

Just thinkin of this is making me sick. I'm gonna have another beer and go to sleep.
Originally posted by NYGFAN:
that place is a dump. not sure why youd want to keep it.

coming from a fan of a team that doesn't even have their own stadium
I'm ready to move out, but I'd be all for leaving it be for lesser events. It'll be be a sad day when the tear it down...
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