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Originally posted by Izyniner:
What about lresv. 24. I have tix for the monday nighter. Never sat in that sec. does anyone know if they are decent or doe I need to start looking again? thanks

Here you go bro ...

LR 24

Sweet Ive always bee in the u.r. witch you can see the feild well. These are 25 rows up so there should be plenty of elevation.
Would anyone like great season tickets for the upcoming season?

I’ve been a faithful follower of the webzone for a couple of years now but haven’t posted too much, but here it goes. I’m a season ticket holder with 2 tickets in the Lower Reserve Section 14 just under the overhang near the aisle at around the 35 yard line. Great sight lines, protected from the bright sun, rain, good times throughout. I also have two tickets in the Lower East Section 25 about 40 rows up, again great view of the field and around people that have been going for a LONG LONG time.

Because of family and financial reasons I don’t foresee being able to attend any games this year as I probably won’t be in California for that time. It pains me to not be able to go to the games with my friends and family but you gotta do what you gotta do. Would anyone out there in the webzone be interested in buying either of these sets from me for the season?

I’m not looking to make a profit on these and don’t want to go the EBay route at this time. The season ticket cost is $980 or $98 a game meaning $1960 for two. I would explore possibly giving the seat rights to these also. Let me know if you or anyone you know is interested. This would be a great way to see our rejuvenated team hopefully make it back to the playoffs from very very good seats. Thanks and have a great day.

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