Originally posted by Aj_hwd954:
Originally posted by philosoraptor:
Originally posted by NinerJeff:
I would've stayed with Redskins just to piss off the crazy woke leftists, and flipped them a HUUUUGE middle finger to boot 🤣😂🤣😂
They should have named them the Washington Crackers and made the mascot a jar of mayonnaise.
Try again
The Washington Caucacity. Maybe Whiteboys. Or maybe you could do a sub-ethnicity, like the Washington Micks or the Washington Guidos or Wops (not to be confused with WAP).
But yeah, it's not going to have the same connotation. That's nothing but majority/minority dynamics in play. If it were me and I wanted to be offensive to white people though, I'd probably go with something not directly related to race, because you're not going to offend white people to the same degree with race for the reason mentioned. Maybe Qtards or sister f**kers. Or maybe something offensive religiously, like Flat Earth Creationist Morons.