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Sign of the Whale

  • 1825 M Street NW

    Washington, DC

    (202) 785-1110

    Important: A bar being listed here does not guarantee that it will be playing 49ers games. Call to confirm the address, if the bar is still in business, and if they are broadcasting the game. If you find that this bar no longer exists or that the information listed here is incorrect, please report it to us using "Report an Error" below.

Reviews (Total: 1)

  • catie on August 18, 2010

    Hey, the same crew of Niners faithfuls have relocated from Porters to Sign of the Whale for the coming season. Last season, we had a great turnout--anywhere from 10 to 30 fans routinely showed up each gameday. And, Richie, the great bartender from Porters is also now at Sign of the Whale. He has already spoken to the management, and rest assured he will take great care of us. So, put on your jersey and come out and join us--and help us cheer on the Niners all the way to the playoffs.

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