Opening comments:

"Injuries; [LB] Ahmad [Brooks], you saw Ahmad got back yesterday, had a good practice. So, we limited him, and then he'll be out there practicing today. So, really glad to have him back in the building. [RB] Reggie [Bush], today they're going to do some work with him on the side and we'll find out exactly what's going on there. Again, feel good about it not being, how do I say that, a terrible thing. It was tightened. So, that was it there. And then, you've seen [TE] Vance McDonald, we've just obviously been just keeping the contact off of him. And then, as [vice president of communications Bob Lange] Bobby told me here, with [RB] Carlos Hyde, Carlos did individual yesterday. Maybe I should have given you a warning, but individual, left individual, went to the training room like we planned him to do and then came back out for the team periods. But, we're going to monitor Carlos, every week, build up to the games. That's how we're going to do that. So, that's it on the injuries."

WR Bruce Ellington showed up with a calf yesterday.

"Oh yeah, Bruce tightened up yesterday in practice. I don't know about that this morning. I know that he got the treatment. We'll find out when we go out there. They'll do their, they'll work him out over there on the field. You see what they do, and we'll go from there."

When did Carlos Hyde's foot issue come up and what's the significance of it?

"Well I don't, he's got a, I don't even know the name of it. His foot's hurt. His foot is sore, so they put an orthotic in there and I know you've got to get used to wearing the orthotic. So, they are doing that. Fully expect him to play and those things, but I know we have to manage it."

It looks like he was hurt Sunday night, correct? The foot?

"Yeah, he dinged his foot, or I'm not sure if he was planting or somebody stepped on it or what happened there. But, he came out of there, and he didn't say. It's just, his foot was sore."

There seemed to be some, speaking of sore, sore feelings out of the Giants about the play in which New York Giants LB Jon Beason sustained a concussion. Remember when he collided with Carlos Hyde?

"Oh, I remember the play. I was standing there."

He seems to think that he got pushed in the back by G/T Alex Boone and that's what caused the concussion. Do you, I know I'm asking about a specific play, but what's your recollection of that play?

"I didn't, I don't know what you're talking. I mean, I don't know whose hard feelings. I mean, nobody wanted Beason to get hurt. I don't know where you're going."

He says that Boone pushed him in the back into Hyde, which is what caused the concussion.

"I don't, no, I don't recollect that. Quite frankly, you're catching me a little off guard there. I don't know. No, I don't think so, I mean we were blocking, tackling and running."

I know you've answered questions about Bruce getting two snaps in Sunday's game, but overall on the season, he has seven offensive snaps. And I know he's missed a couple of games with injuries and he had some things lingering in the offseason. Has his lack of playing time been a product of him not being able to practice enough overall?

"We're just trying to get Bruce healthy and he's had a string of bad luck with things. So, we're trying to, you know, and he's trying, just trying to get 100-percent right and going."

Obviously, coming back, a very difficult situation with Ahmad. How do you feel his mind is and what do you expect from him this weekend?

"Yesterday, just going off of him being here, being excited to be playing football. So, in that sense, it was good to see. And he's around some people that care about him. So, all those things were very positive yesterday."

Back to Carlos Hyde, are you going to have to maybe limit some of his carries in games because of this?

"We're going to play all that by ear. Obviously, if we have opportunities to have people play, I mean, we want to do that in all positions, but we just have to monitor it and see where it is."

And if Reggie can't go, then RB Jarryd Hayne and RB Mike Davis would be the backups?

"Yeah. That'd be the guys. Yes."

Did Jarryd show you something in New York on his ability as a running back, any progress?

"Yeah. Jarryd's improving daily. Again, we keep going back to it, I mean it's a guy that's never played football. So, he's improving daily. He keeps improving. Mike Davis is improving daily."

I have three separate questions for you addressing three guys who are eligible to come back off lists on Monday.

"Yeah, next week."

WR Jerome Simpson, what has he been able to do? Is he going to meetings? I know he can't practice, obviously, but can he be in the building?

"Oh, yes. Yes. He's been at all the meetings. And again, I will say, has just absolutely attacked everything we've asked him to do. He really has. He's allowed to go to the meetings. He's allowed to work out. He comes in early and he works out. He's done all those things. Everything he's allowed to do, he's done and he's done it full-bore. He just, he can't be on the field, couldn't be on the field while we were practicing."

You'll have to make room for him next week to be up?


You would expect him up? Not necessarily up, but on the field?

"I don't know that, but that's obviously next week is when those decisions need to start to be made."

And then G/C Daniel Kilgore, how's he doing? Is he looking like somebody that could be on the practice field next week?

"Yeah, I did not ask. I didn't ask that question just quite honest. I do know that he is running around. You see him out there. He's moving, he's running, he's pushing weight. So, he's doing all those things. So, my weekly updates on him are that he's progressing really well. So, that's what I know there."

And then the last one is WR DeAndre Smelter?

"Yeah, and Smelter. Again, Smelter is, they're really excited about what he's doing. I know he was on a week this week to amp-up. You know, they take him up and then they bring him down and then they, in the velocity and all the things that they do. So, again, great reports on that."

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