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Harbaugh Handshake with Jim Schwartz

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  • g60nx
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  • Posts: 99
I love Harbaugh.

Originally posted by Brazilian49er:
I'm trying to find footage. Paint the picture for me guys, please.

Harbaugh did an elated in your face jump-to-handshake, and then shifted away towards the tunnel. Basically slapped his hand and ran off.
  • 190836
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Who gives a sh**, we won.
WHATS your DEAL!!???
i missed it! what happened?????
[ Edited by Garcia on Oct 16, 2011 at 1:50 PM ]
  • g60nx
  • Veteran
  • Posts: 99
he pissed off the other jim that didnt win
From Kevin Lynch: "Jim Harbaugh was elated after the 49ers 25-19 win. Harbaugh was leaping up and down and when he shook Lions' head coach Jim Schwartz's hand he slapped him on the back. Schwartz turned and snarled at Harbaugh, Schwartz chased him and then a skirmish ensued."
[ Edited by niner_empire on Oct 16, 2011 at 1:52 PM ]
What's your deal???
For those that didn't see it, Harbaugh basically went SKIPPING into the handshake and gave Schwartz the kinda greeting that you give a friend you haven't seen in years. It was totally inappropriate, lol. Then Schwarz looked back and said "what the f**k!?!?" and then got in Harbaugh's face. Then the teams fought.
haha shwartz chased him down the field and started crying like a b***h.
Did anybody caych the scuffle with the players going to the locker room? They showed a clip a minute ago but I didn't catch it.
LOL at Swartz chasing Harbs down and getting pissed
  • Jiks
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Harbaugh gave him a handshake really quick like and kind of bumped into him running away. Shwartz(sp) attacked him him, not like throwing punches but got up in his grill. Players had to break it up! Pretty piss poor sprotmanship by a losing coach.

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