I saw a soccer game had 2 players collapse in 1 game. What are the odds of that?
I pray for his family.
Originally posted by Bay2Bay9erAllday:
I'm starting to get little concerned about the whole vax heart attack conspiracy
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Originally posted by Bay2Bay9erAllday:
I'm starting to get little concerned about the whole vax heart attack conspiracy
Originally posted by Heroism:
I heard from someone connected to the team that Parys Harylson also died of a heart attack.
Originally posted by 9erguy:
By most accounts he seemed like an amazing guy with a big heart. Very sad to hear about his passing.
Originally posted by 49erFaithful6:
Will never forget that walkoff Tim Tebow to DT touchdown. Great moment.
Originally posted by Bay2Bay9erAllday:
I'm starting to get little concerned about the whole vax heart attack conspiracy
Originally posted by Bay2Bay9erAllday:
I'm starting to get little concerned about the whole vax heart attack conspiracy
Originally posted by Bay2Bay9erAllday:
I'm starting to get little concerned about the whole vax heart attack conspiracy
Originally posted by Bay2Bay9erAllday:I'm fully vaccinated and, no, I don't know what's in it - neither this vaccine, nor the ones I had as a child. Nor in the 11 secret herbs and spices at KFC, or hot dogs, or Coca-Cola's secrety recipe or other treatments…whether it's for cancer, AIDS, the one for polyarthritis, or vaccines for infants or children.
I'm starting to get little concerned about the whole vax heart attack conspiracy
Originally posted by eastie:FYI - Ibuprofen is not a "cure" its more like a band aid.
Originally posted by Bay2Bay9erAllday:I'm fully vaccinated and, no, I don't know what's in it - neither this vaccine, nor the ones I had as a child. Nor in the 11 secret herbs and spices at KFC, or hot dogs, or Coca-Cola's secrety recipe or other treatments…whether it's for cancer, AIDS, the one for polyarthritis, or vaccines for infants or children.
I'm starting to get little concerned about the whole vax heart attack conspiracy
I also don't know what's in Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, or other meds, it just cures my headaches & my pains.
I don't know what's in the ink for tattoos, vaping, Botox and fillers, or every ingredient in my soap or shampoo or even deodorants.
I don't know the long term effect of mobile phone use or whether or not that restaurant I just ate at REALLY used clean foods and washed their hands.
In short ...
There's a lot of things I don't know and never will…
I just know one thing: life is short, very short, and I still want to do something other than just going to work every day or staying locked in my home. I still want to travel and hug people without fear and find a little feeling of life "before".
As a child and as an adult I've been vaccinated for mumps, measles, polio, chickenpox, and quite a few others; my parents and I trusted the science and never had to suffer through or transmit any of the said diseases and,
I'm vaccinated, not to please the government but:
* To not die from Covid-19.
* To NOT clutter a hospital bed if I get sick